These are extra pictures showing other changes and details of the giant construction to aid in build one. They were taken the last time they were out in 2021 and show teh construction of the second frame made.
This picture shows our old and new frames beside each other. The new frame is a bit lighter and uses thinner blue water pipe, doubled up on the base for extra strength. Both have expanded shoulder pads to help spread the load when carrying them. The new frame also uses plastic garden canes to fill out the body and give it more shape. Both are covered in plastic garden netting. Extra shape is added to the frame to be used for Sabra using a binbag filled with scrunched up newspaper and taped to the frame.
This is a better picture of the plastic garden netting giving shape to the bottom of the giant, attached and joined together (its made from old bits) using cable ties.
Picture of the top netting and the headrest for the porter. The shoulder frame is made of two sections of wood bolted under one of the hoops.
More detail of the plastic netting and also of the bolts used. They are inserted through holes drilled in the pipes. It also shows the labels written on gaffer tape and stuck around the parts to show where bits go back together when the frame is disassembled. The frame hasn't actually been taken apart for a while but it's ready for when it is.
This picture shows a joint where the metal braces, pipes and hoops join using an eye-bolt with a loop on it. This is useful for fastening the clothes on and holding them down.
Another join and also the position of the shoulder support.
Rear of the shoulder pads. To adjust things quickly, gaffer tape is used to fix the padding on. If more or less padding is needed, then it can easily changed. Its made from old cushions. Also shown is a steering handle, covered in pipe insulation. Once the giants weight is taken on the shoulders, the handle helps the porter change the angle of the giant and makes steering easier.
...and a bit more shoulder padding
Just a typical view of giant assembly in The Anchor Inn car park. The head is waiting to be fitted to the assembled frame, suitcase of bolts and tools by the side. One thing which isn't typical is the lack of drinks in view.
Portrait of Prince George waiting to be carried out. Lance in hand, shield on arm.
Portrait of Sabra, posy in hand. This also shows the viewing hole in the front so the porter can see where they're going.