These are just a few other ideas on building giants which are much more traditional, using reeds and wood. A giant doesn't have to have someone inside it, and a couple of examples are shown.
This picture shows the rear of giants in Belgium with very similar construction to the Sidmouth Giants but using wickerwork instead.
This is St Thomas from Lapford, who is pulled around on a trolley instead of being carried. It has two assistants who can manipulate the arms using poles. St Thomas comes out each year for the
Lapford Revels in July.
Also from Lapford is this giant wooden Dragon, who's wings flap and breathes 'fire' as it's pushed along.
This is St Blaise from Stroud built on a traditional wooden frame, an example of which is below.
This frame is made of four long wood poles with one frame in the middle and a shaped plank for shoulders. This is a very popular way of building giant frames in France.